Every WWE Studios Movie - Ranked From Worst To Best

35. The Marine 3: Homefront (2013)

The Marine The Condemned Scorpion King Inside Out
WWE Studios

Starring: The Miz

The sheer dullness of The Miz's first outing in the inexplicable Marine franchise likely explains why he looks so freaking bored on his own DVD cover.

You know the set-up: Miz plays a marine returning home who has to deal with a very bad man (Neal McDonough), and lots of shooting ensues. It's tediously-plotted, but worst of all, even the action looks like total garbage, which was easily the highlight of the first two Marine movies.

On the other hand, McDonough gives a deliciously hammy performance as a villain chewing through slightly less cliches than normal, so that's something. It's amazing off the basis of this wretched movie, though, that they're still pumping out Marine movies baring his face.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.