Latest Update On Ricochet Heading To WWE

Could the world's best high-flyer be part of the Global Cruiserweight Series?

ricochet wrestler

Last weekend, news broke that Ricochet - the gravity-defying New Japan competitor who, as Prince Puma, reigned as Lucha Underground's first champion - was possibly coming to WWE now that his LU commitments have finished up.

This week, The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that the 27-year-old star is telling independent promotions that he will not be taking any independent bookings after June - just before WWE's Global Cruiserweight Series starts.

Ricochet would be a natural fit for the tournament. New Japan's Best of the Super Juniors winner in 2014, he's tangled with - and shown his best against - some of the world's top cruiserweight talent. Not only does he wow crowds with maneuvers like his double-rotation moonsault and 630-degree senton, but he's also one of the most charismatic performers on the independent scene.


Nevertheless, nothing is set in stone. According to The Observer, a source close to Ricochet has reportedly said that, while the star looks toeventually beheading to WWE, that's not his next move. As mentioned in prior reports, a potential stumbling block for Ricochet is the fact that he's already taped season three episodes for Lucha Underground (set to air in 2017), and the LU contract specifies that talent cannot appear on other TV broadcasts until all their taped appearances have aired.

While WON's Dave Meltzer speculates that such a demand wouldn't hold up in court, it could still complicate negotiations.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013