New WWE NXT Format To Debut?

Big names, sports halls and development talent have all been listed amongst the rumours...

Rumours are running high that WWE are making big changes to NXT. Big names, sports halls and development talent have all been listed amongst the rumours... Tonight, WWE will be taping NXT at Full Sale University in Orlando. The venue holds just a few hundred people, a far cry from WWE's usual arena venues which seat a few thousand. WWE's Twitter feed have also teased that Jim Ross and William Regal could be running commentary for the new format show, with Triple H also being rumoured to appear. The project is believed to be HHH's brainchild. Jim Ross recently wrote on his blog:
I'm very excited about (Wednesday's) trip and (Thursday's) work in Orlando. I'm like a kid on his first day at a new school. I don't know what to expect but am excited to be 'enrolled.' The future of the WWE lies within the Talent Development program and I am blessed to be able to help in that area in any way that the company sees fit. My role has yet to be outlined but I think I can assist in many areas and I'm excited to devote my time and energies to helping develop the young stars of tomorrow.
The whole change of scenery and big names connected with the taping holds a lot of intrigue. It has also been rumoured that FCW talent will also appear along with the usual NXT roster. The current NXT format has been dragging on for months now with no real sense of direction and the original concept of the show has become almost non existence. No real details have been released on what fans can expect, but with a smaller, more tightly packed, young crowd, it could create a more inviting atmosphere. Jim Ross alone gives fans a reason to tune in, coupled with William Regal we can only expect some excellent play by play action. The mixing of the NXT roster along with the FCW guys is also a perfect idea for two reasons. One. It will give fans a taste of what's to come, giving us fresh, new talent on a weekly basis. Two. It gives the young guys in FCW a chance to compete and gain experience with guys on the next level, something they would never get just working in FCW. The big names connected could be nothing more than WWE attempting to reel fans in for the launch of the newer format, or WWE may very well be attempting create an entire new concept and direction for the washed out show. NXT is expected to be available via as it has done since being taken off TV.

'Rasslin fan at heart, speaking of hearts is your on your left? Yeah mines on my right... weird huh. Big love for films, from the weird to the wonderful. Also many, many TV series and my main Sports viewing is Formula One... It's Fast, its Furious and no pizza boys to move along.