Shane McMahon Vs. Brock Lesnar Planned For WWE WrestleMania 33
Will a 47 year old man be able to defeat one of the toughest men on the planet?

Shane McMahon vs. Brock Lesnar is being planned for WrestleMania 33, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
This would explain why Brock gave Shane an F5 after his SummerSlam match against Randy Orton, and why Shane was steaming about it a few days later on SmackDown.
The idea is that since ticket sales picked up after Shane was announced for WrestleMania last year, that he's a bit of a draw and can do the same for Mania this year. That's the thinking at least. In reality, that surge in interest was due to the fact that we hadn't seen Shane since 2009. Now we see him almost every week. Listen to the pops he gets on TV these days; it's more of a lukewarm welcome than unconstrained enthusiasm.
Nobody really bought into Shane actually being an equal to Undertaker last year, and it was largely a ridiculous mess, minus that one big spot.
This just reeks of nepotism if its the actual plan, and a huge waste of one of Brock's limited appearances. After battling Goldberg and Randy Orton, it would be nice to see him work with a younger star, you know, someone who can get a rub from the match. Well, perhaps Shane will do something crazy and it will end up being kind of fun. Maybe.
WWE certainly has their work cut out for them to get us to believe that a non-athlete nearing 50 can last more than four seconds against a former UFC Heavyweight Champion.