Drug taking is one of the biggest personal tragedies that a wrestler can come by. And unfortunately, drug use is rife in the industry - incorporating not just painkillers and sleeping pills, but also steroids and human growth hormone. These latter two substances do serious damage to the heart and they have been implicated in many cases of heart attacks amongst wrestlers. Most of the wrestlers in this list went beyond having their lives ruined by drugs - they actually had their lives ended by drugs. All of them at a tragically young age. There are also wrestlers who are still alive but whose careers were blighted by substance abuse - they never reached their full potential in their career because they indulged in drugs. Thankfully issues surrounding drug abuse are becoming more transparent in Pro Wrestling. The authorities have finally woken up to the problem and with the introduction of the WWE's Wellness Programme it is easier for wrestlers to seek help for their problems and there is less stigma attached to the issue. Hopefully action like this will prevent further unnecessary deaths in an industry which is infamous for its high mortality rate. Below are some stories about the ones who weren't so lucky.