WWE Gallery: AMAZING Photos Of The New Daniel Bryan’s WWE Championship Belt
There Will Be Wood.

It's real. It's actually real.
By cutting an amazing promo on a pre-show pre-show back in December, Daniel Bryan either forced WWE's hand or collaborated brilliantly with those behind the scenes to create the overdue replacement to the traditional leather title he carried over his shoulder.
Giving the cow that birthed - and was killed for - his prize a name before Christmas, only following the Royal Rumble win over AJ Styles was Bryan able to make good on his promise to "Daisy". In another memorable speech to the confused and infuriated masses, The New Daniel Bryan had new associate Rowan bring his hemp and oak prize out to pose and postulate in his own vainglorious vindication.
The reveal naturally triggered the perpetually p*ssed off AJ Styles, itself triggering a brawl on the show that should ultimately lead to deciding upon the WrestleMania contender for it - if they even want it. Bryan did everything he could to do away with everything he hated about the old design, including mirroring an infamous Monday Night Wars moment that could be turned against him should he ever lose his treasured possession.
Here's how it came to be, and how amazing it looks...