WWE Wrestlemania 30: 6 Gimmick Matches We Most Want To See

The Gimmick Match. Depending on your viewpoint, these can be the highlight of a pay per view or an unnecessary distraction to the 'real' wrestling. Those in favour like the difference it brings to a traditional wrestling match, and even the most anti-gimmick fan could not argue with some of the classics that have been produced. The submission match at Wrestlemania 13 between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bret Hart is one of the all-time great Wrestlemania matches for instance, and the hardcore match between Mick Foley and Edge is spectacular in its brutality Others would say there is less skill involved in gimmick matches and they are merely combinations of 'spots' or a way to show-in a flavour of the month celebrity. Did the sumo match at Wrestlemania 21 between the Big Show and Akebono really take place on the same card as Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels? The ultimate for comparison for those favouring wrestling purity over gimmick. With so much speculation about the ever changing line up for this year's Wrestlemania, here are 6 gimmick matches that could enhance the 30th anniversary of WWE's pinnacle event, and few that would not.

Football (soccer) and Wrestling (non-Olympic) Writer.