
Liani Monsivais


Hello there! I'm Liani Monsivais, and I'm passionate about the art of creation and storytelling. My journey in multimedia began as a high school student worker, wielding cameras and steering the technical aspects as a director. From there, I delved deeper into the world of broadcast news, starting as a production assistant and swiftly progressing to become a Promotions Producer. One of my proudest moments was producing a sponsored weekly series that clinched a FOXIE award—a testament to the creativity and dedication I pour into my work. During my time, I've orchestrated promotional content for not just one but two local TV news stations, harnessing my knack for visual storytelling and engaging audiences. However, my passion for storytelling extends beyond traditional media. I'm a huge fan of professional wrestling. The world of pro-wrestling is where my love for storytelling resonates. It’s a realm where larger-than-life characters and compelling storylines captivate audiences, much like a well-crafted promotional campaign. My dream is to one day enter the pro wrestling industry, combining my skills in media and storytelling with my passion for this dynamic form of entertainment. I thrive on the creative process and the impact it has on connecting with audiences. My journey is fueled by a love for storytelling and an unwavering dream to make a mark in the world of professional wrestling. I want to be able to represent women not only in media but in the pro-wrestling fandom.

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