11 Comic Book Origins That Were Very Different In The Movies

8. Bane - The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Catwoman Batman Returns Origin
Warner Bros.

Unlike the majority of character changes made for film adaptations, the decision to move Bane's prison home to in an unspecified location in the Middle East is questionably done at best.

Although ostensibly the purpose of this decision is to have both Ra's Al Ghul and Bane originate from the same place - as the film trilogy has both come from the mysterious 'Pit' to wreak havoc on Gotham - this only serves to make the plot feel a little hamfisted, as suddenly a good portion of Batman's enemies come from the exact same obscure place.

With Bane's entrapment and escape from the Santa Prisca prison Peña Duro feeling so integral to his character, this change also somewhat undermines his character, which draws heavily from Latin America in the comics.

While the film series is still a masterful look into how comics can be adapted into films, the more clunky feel of the final film is in no small part a result of this weird deviation from Bane's original backstory.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.