The 5 Best VHS Board Games

2. Dragonstrike (1993)

Dragonstrike Game

This adventure themed game was based on the popular role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. The VHS tape is used to set the scene and once again works as a visual aid to the adventure that the players undertake. The tape made use of both live actors and CG monsters and magical effects. Each player chooses from five roles: dwarf, thief, elf, wizard or warrior and each role comes with ratings such as speed, strength and hit points. The Dragon Master (a designated player) chooses a mission from the adventure book and the game begins. Markers and cards challenge the players, which may force them to face monsters or traps as they make their way around the board. The mission must be completed within a set number of turns. The VHS is now highly comical thanks to its over the top acting and poor effects, but it did help introduce novices to role-playing games as their popularity was beginning to dwindle in the '90s.

PRICE: Dragonstrike can be found online for approximately £30.


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