Hollywood hard man; Gerard Butler (300, Law Abiding Citizen) slams into action as Mike Banning, a former Presidential guard, who must use his inside knowledge to prevent a terrorist plot against the White House in OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN - released
on Blu-ray, DVD and Download from 26 August, 2013 by Lionsgate Home Entertainment. We have three copies of the Blu-ray to give away to our readers. Directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day), OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is the UK number one box office smash following one mans attempt to save the US President and reclaim the White House following its siege by a North Korean terrorist mastermind. Butler stars as Mike Banning, former secret service operative and personal friend to the US President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart, The Dark Knight), who has been demoted to the Treasury Department but is still within eye sight of the White House. During a meeting between the President and Prime Minister of South Korea, North Korean-led forces mount an attack upon the White House (code name: Olympus), with the President and several of his officials taken hostage in the process. Bannings loyalty to the president is put to the ultimate test - with previous failures at the forefront of his memory, Banning will do everything in his power to save President Ashers life, stop the terrorists from destroying the most famous building in America and avert an even bigger oncoming disaster; can his insight knowledge of Americas most iconic building prevent its downfall? Featuring a stellar all star cast, OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN includes a whos who of Hollywood royalty leading with Gerard Butler (Law Abiding Citizen, 300) and support from Academy Award® winners Morgan Freeman (The Dark Knight Rises, Deep Impact) and Melissa Leo (The Fighter, Frozen River) as well as gripping performances from Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Night, The Black Dalia) and Rick Yune (Die Another Day, The Fast and the Furious). This heart-racing action thriller is packed with explosive special features including a Making Of and a hilarious Blooper Reel. OLYMPUS HAS FALLED is billed as one of the greatest action movies of the decade and the must-see White House film of the year - guaranteed to see your summer off with a bang when released on 26 August!