10 Best Fake Horror Movies Within Horror Movies
6. Garden Tool Massacre
Appears in: The Blob
The fake film: Garden Tool Massacre has a title ripped from Texas Chainsaw and its hoard of knock-offs (The Toolbox Murders, The Driller Killer), but a plot torn from Friday The 13th (and its own Sleepaway Camp type imitators). "A standard slice and dice", the film features an unstoppable killer, his face hidden by a hockey mask, who goes around chopping up nubile young camp counselors. Coming along only shortly after Groundhog Day: Part XII, this really was the era of the wannabe Jason Vorhees.
The real film: A remake of the fondly remembered all-consuming-slime based 50s B-movie starring a 27 year old Steve McQueen as its teen protagonist, the 1988 version of The Blob was scripted by genre fan Frank Darabont in the years before he had Steven King as a source for everything. Despite updating the original film's communist paranoia to the AIDs panic of the 80s, Darabont's script is clearly nostalgic for old fashioned monster movies.
One of the more memorable scenes has the younger brother of high school protagonist Meg sneaking into Garden Tool Massacre underage before the blob emerges into the cinema to attack the audience. As with The Monster Squad, Darabont and director Chuck Russell seem to be suggesting that the typical horror cinema of the day, "standard" slashers, are alright for gore hungry kids who do not know any better, but it can not stand up to old school monsters.