10 Dumbest Decisions In Recent Horror Movies

3. Locking Himself And His Sister In An Airtight Compartment - A Quiet Place: Part II

Barbarian movie

Marcus Abbott does not exactly cover himself in glory in the intelligence sweepstakes in 2020's follow up to 2018's genre redefining A Quiet Place.

Marcus has a notable "d'oh" moment in the sequel's early goings for starters. After accidentally triggering one of the improvised sound alarms rigged by Cillian Murphy's Emmett, he proceeds to completely neglect to look where he is going - charging straight into a bear trap and screaming to high heaven, alerting the franchise's nightmarish antagonists to their location.

Although the family survive this heart-pounding encounter, Marcus soon proves incapable of performing the one simple task allocated to him - protecting his baby sister. In the first instance, our curly haired cretin draws the creatures to their location once again, loudly knocking over several items in shock upon discovering the decomposing corpse of Emmett's wife.

He's not done yet though. In an admirable but disastrously misguided attempt to protect himself and his sister from the incoming monsters, Marcus locks himself and his sister in a furnace, a monster-proof metal compartment. The only problem? He failed to place a towel over the lock so the door can actually be re-opened, meaning that Noah Jupe's character finds himself and his infant sibling locked in an airtight container with oxygen fast running out.

You had one job, man. Marcus and the baby are ultimately saved only by the timely return of their vengeful mother.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.