10 Off-Screen Movie Moments Audiences Deserved To See

All that time waiting, and we still didn't get to see Thanos begin his Infinity Quest.

Hunger Games

Within every single movie that ever sees a release, and even those that don’t, there is an untold effort that goes into crafting it. Countless people work on and off screen to ensure that the final product, every frame of it, is as good as it can be. However, that's not always quite the full story.

There is a saying with regard to jazz music, that you have to listen to the notes the musician is not playing. In that same vein, there is more to a movie than just what the audience sees, there’s also everything that happens off-screen.

Some of these moments are strongly implied and have a great impact on a movie, while others are more understated and subtle, but they are still there. Audiences just can’t see them. A lot of the time these scenes are left out because they aren’t necessarily needed on-screen, but sometimes there are unseen moments that damn well deserved to be seen.

Whether it’s a villain proving their might, a huge key event that informs the rest of the movie, or plenty of character deaths, it’s a shame that audiences could never experience these moments as they should have.

10. A Death In The Family - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Hunger Games
Warner Bros.

With every new iteration of Batman, there are always the same questions that follow, one of which surrounds his sidekick. After the universally panned Batman and Robin in 1997, the Boy Wonder hasn’t really featured on the big screen, but there have been hints.

In the Dark Knight Rises, there was a nod in that Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character’s real name was Robin, but there was nothing more than this. There was a much bigger reveal in Dawn of Justice regarding the dynamic duo involving Ben Affleck’s version of Bruce Wayne.

This was because there was real confirmation that Batman did work together with Robin at one point, but based on the haunting image of the latter’s costume with an obvious nod to the Joker plastered all over it, it didn't end well. It seems then that this Robin was Jason Todd, and that he was brutally killed by the Clown Prince of Crime.

This was again all but confirmed in Zack Snyder’s Justice League when the Joker teased Batman about sending a Boy Wonder to do a man’s job. It really feels as though this scene, and this story in general, could have and should have made a better movie than most of what Warner Bros. and DC have put out over recent years.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.