6. They Are Always Mumbling On About Portals And Continuum's
There is usually a pre-requisite for time travelers to have a basic understanding of the science behind their journeying. The trouble is, everyone in the time travel business has an IQ north of 200 and us mere mortals can rarely understand what they are saying. Luckily however, time travel technology is usually confined to wormholes, portals and the space-time continuum. Anyone with basic GCSE maths and science can comprehend that fundamental time travel law of hole in space = tunnel in time. Pretty much anything beyond that becomes physics of PhD sized proportions. And despite every effort of the time traveller, no amount of chalkboards, table napkins and sand drawings are going to help make timeline sciences any easier to comprehend. Even now, I am still not quite sure what a giga watt is. Most likely to say: Let me explain it. Do you have a pen?
CASE STUDIES: Stargate, Back to the Future