13 Hollywood Stars Who Voiced Favourite Studio Ghibli Characters

6. Timothy Dalton - Tales From Earthsea

The name€™s Ged, Ged Sparrowhawk. It doesn€™t have the same ring to it, granted, but ex-Bond Timothy Dalton was just as charming as Ged the wizard, also known as the Archmage Sparrowhawk in the 2010 international release of Tales From Earthsea. As the crops of Earthsea begin to dwindle and dragons start appearing from nowhere, Dalton€™s Sparrowhawk is tasked with uncovering the mystery of his lands sudden imbalance. Directed by Goro Miyazaki, son of Ghibli deity Hayao, Tales From Earthsea was always going to be judged harshly. While he has some way to go if he is to attempt to fill his father€™s shoes, Goro Miyazaki isn€™t afraid to try and find his own voice with this one, a flawed yet bold effort.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.