20 Most Badass Female Horror Characters Ever

5. Clarice Starling - The Silence Of The Lambs

Horror Women Lola Stone Sarah Carter Erin Hanson
Orion Pictures

It says a lot about Jodie Foster's acting chops that she's able to go toe to toe with Anthony Hopkins's Hannibal Lecter and still come away being just as memorable.

Clarice Starling is still just a student in The Silence of the Lambs, yet she's brave enough to go deal with Hannibal Lecter even after all she's heard about him. Everyone's terrified of the guy despite the fact that he's locked away, but Clarice can take him. As much as Hannibal tries to manipulate her and get under her skin, Clarice is able to get information out of him, and she does an amazing job putting all the pieces together.

In fact in the final act, it's Clarice who's able to find Buffalo Bill, while the entire FBI ends up at the wrong place. In a house with this ruthless serial killer, she's able to take him down even while in total darkness during the climactic end sequence. 

Clarice is one of the great heroines in film history, getting such a difficult job done despite her young age, and despite men like Chilton constantly making passes at her.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.