50 Greatest Movie Villains Of The 21st Century

11. Mick Taylor €“ Wolf Creek

Wolf Creek Mick Taylor is a seriously disturbed individual. Wolf Creek is a fairly tame horror in terms of gore. But don€™t let that trick you into thinking it is devoid of sadistic violence. John Jarrat€™s jarring antagonist is one of the standout villains of past decade. He is unreasonably cruel and aggressive. He tortures and kills solely to please himself. The scene where he severs the spine of one of the protagonists is horribly cruel. He gladly informed her that she would still feel but would no longer be capable of resisting his cruelty. How sick is that? The worst thing about this character is that he could really exist; it makes me very scared of the Australian outback to think a character like Mick Taylor might be lurking about.

10. Mrs Carmody €“ The Mist

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Oh man, if there€™s something that makes a villain instantly frustrating it€™s unjustified over-dedication to religion. Mrs Carmody is one of those villains that is extremely effective because the entire time she is on screen the audience is hoping that somebody shoots her straight through the head. When their town is attacked by deadly monsters, Mrs Carmody and many other survivors are forced to hide out in a supermarket. There, Carmody convinces most of the people inside that the Christian apocalypse is occurring and that they must repent...and murder anybody who disagrees. That was the point that I called her an evil cow and couldn€™t wait for the moment that she was killed off.

9. Harry Waters €“ In Bruges

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Harry Waters is a great villain in a pretty fun little dark comedy. In Bruges is heavily underrated and if you haven€™t seen it, I suggest you watch it soon. Harry is such an awesome character because he has an extreme dedication to honour. Unlike many of the entries on this list, he has some semblance of a conscience...which leads to some very amusing scenes. For example, in one scene he tries to convince one of the protagonists to attack him because he feels that he can€™t murder a man who just said some nice things about him. Aw, how nice. This dedication gets even more intense when he sees through his word to the bitter end, shooting himself in the head based solely on fulfilling a throwaway claim he made earlier in the film.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.