8 Incredibly Iconic Items In Great Movies

6. Grays Sports Almanac - Back To The Future II

Original I'm not going to lie when I say that I would not have resisted the temptation to go to the future and bring back a sports almanac so I can bet on big sport events just like Marty intended and Biff succeeded in accomplishing in Back to the Future II. With fifty years of sport statistics, both past and future for Marty McFly, the chance to make millions would be a crime to pass up. The sports almanac in BTTF II is a perfect example of an item that drives the plot and characters chase it the entire story. This item alone has knowledge and information that can dictate the future in unconceivable ways, and it's just a bunch of numbers. Quite amazing when you think about it...that is of course, it were real. Marty puts his life on the line to make sure that Biff gets his hands on the almanac, which a future Biff ensures happens, so a desolate future where Marty's father is murdered and his mother married to the abusive Biff never happens. This items is unique because we get to see what happens if the villain does and does not get his hands on the time-changing item.

From filling an empty stomach to sleeping in until noon, Chris Combs ensures to enjoy all of life's simple pleasures. Poet, explorer, and all around gentlemen. This scholar is a pop-culture melting pot of useless information that would win any game of trivial pursuit. Follow him on Twitter to get inside his mind @OrganicChris23