Star Wars: 10 Weird Expanded Universe Things We're Glad Aren't Canon Anymore

1. Waru

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Waru's story makes very little sense and is at the heart of the universally-trashed Crystal Star novel by Vonda N. McIntyre. For starters, Crystal Star centers around the idea that a Jedi can lose his or her connection to the Force by watching a star slowly crystallize. This, unfortunately, happens to Luke Skywalker, who then takes it upon himself to join a cult started by an extra-dimensional gelatin monster in an effort to reclaim his powers.

Waru was extradited from his original dimension through the efforts of Justice Hethrir, an Imperial officer who once served as the apprentice to Darth Vader. The gang of Han, Leia, Leia's children, C-3P0 and R2-D2 all quest to grant Waru's wish of returning to his home dimension and to free Luke from the weird cult he joined.

This is, needless to say, a terrible premise for a Star Wars story, and it far suppresses the likes of oft-lauded clunkers like The Phantom Menace, The Aftermath trilogy, and the Children of the Jedi novel. Barring it from any true association with a beloved sci-fi franchise, Waru's tale may be some of the worst fiction ever published period.

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