Look, Assassin's Creed needs to take a break. With the release of last year's Unity, it's becoming more and more apparent that the lengthy series has been finding it harder and harder to get a fully functional game out every single holiday. Although many people rightly complained about the buggy launch of the last entry into the franchise, the performance problems of the title actually ran much deeper than the horrendous glitches that stole most of the gaming headlines. The fact that the title could barely maintain a solid 30 frames per second was the most obvious problem with Unity. Because the series' combat is already incredibly clunky and unrefined (you'd think they would have gotten this down after 7-plus entries into the franchise), the lagging frame-rate makes the action a complete chore to play through. No matter how much Ubi spews that the lowered frame rate makes the game more "cinematic", or just outright lies to players and says that gamers prefer a dodgy 30fps over a solid 60 (seriously, no one in their right mind does), the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Syndicate is bound to be absolutely bursting with the same performance issues that have been haunting this franchise for years.