9 Ways 2017 Has Changed The Future Of Video Games Forever

6. Nintendo Switch Sales Prove Gameplay Is Infinitely More Important Than Graphics

Super Mario Odyssey Mushroom Kingdom

In case you need a reminder, the Switch is selling like nothing else (the "fastest-selling console in Nintendo history", no less). And why? Because it prioritises the game part of video games, rather than just the visuals.

Whilst the two "bigger" consoles have prioritised half-step hardware cycles and resolution differences you have to be side-by-side and squinting with a magnifying glass to notice, the Switch's approach is a breath of fresh air. You don't need ultra-glossy background details and clothing where every thread is visible when you've got DOOM on the go or Link felling a skyscraper-sized Ganon at the close of a phenomenally well-intentioned game.

Simply put: Gameplay trumps graphics. It always will.

The industry has always had a hand in graphical prowess. It's how you turn heads, build hype and get people involved. But the games must deliver on the other end.

Nintendo's all have, and while titles like Battlefront II and Assassin's Creed are immediately jaw-dropping, if the actual meat of the experience isn't going to hook you for hours on end, why make a video game in the first place?

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.