Every Upcoming March 2019 Video Game Release Ranked By Anticipation

New games from Capcom, Nintendo and From Software aren't even the half of it.

Devil May Cry 5

It's only the third month of 2019, and there's no hint of big game releases slowing down. January brought forth big guns like Kingdom Heats 3 and Resident Evil 2, February gave us Anthem, Metro: Exodus and Far Cry: New Dawn, so how can March even begin to compete?

Well, it not only has a slew of big titles, but also some surefire quality games too. Certainly, January and February went in guns blazing, but a lot of those titles resulted in experiences that fizzled more than banged (Crackdown 3 anyone?)

Instead, this month we have enticing looking titles from Ubisoft, From Software, Nintendo and the (presently) ever-reliable Capcom; as they rejuvenate yet another classic franchise in a shiny new format.

Of course, there are plenty of weird and quirky indies coming too, with several PC titles shedding their Early Access shackles into a proper release. Also, random trends emerging are showy baseball games, some offbeat shooters, and a little bit of HP Lovecraft thrown in there too.

It all boils down to another jam-packed month before 2019 begins slowing a smidgen next month - so let's wallow in the excess and figure out what deserves your attention.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.