Every Upcoming March 2019 Video Game Release Ranked By Anticipation
New games from Capcom, Nintendo and From Software aren't even the half of it.
It's only the third month of 2019, and there's no hint of big game releases slowing down. January brought forth big guns like Kingdom Heats 3 and Resident Evil 2, February gave us Anthem, Metro: Exodus and Far Cry: New Dawn, so how can March even begin to compete?
Well, it not only has a slew of big titles, but also some surefire quality games too. Certainly, January and February went in guns blazing, but a lot of those titles resulted in experiences that fizzled more than banged (Crackdown 3 anyone?)
Instead, this month we have enticing looking titles from Ubisoft, From Software, Nintendo and the (presently) ever-reliable Capcom; as they rejuvenate yet another classic franchise in a shiny new format.
Of course, there are plenty of weird and quirky indies coming too, with several PC titles shedding their Early Access shackles into a proper release. Also, random trends emerging are showy baseball games, some offbeat shooters, and a little bit of HP Lovecraft thrown in there too.
It all boils down to another jam-packed month before 2019 begins slowing a smidgen next month - so let's wallow in the excess and figure out what deserves your attention.