Fallout 4: 10 Craziest Achievements Nobody Unlocked In 3

5. Silver-Tongued Devil

Winning 50 speech challenges may sound straightforward, but even the most accomplished Fallout 3 players often find that this is one of the last achievements/trophies they acquire. In fact, you're well advised to start building up your speech skill from the very beginning: there are only a limited number of speech challenges to take, making them far too valuable to fail because your character lacks charisma. There was once a looping glitch in Little Lamplight where players could talk to a kid called Knock Knock and repeatedly improve on his, er, knock-knock joke, but the smart money says this exploit has since been patched €” so you'll have no other choice but to become the Chatty Cathy of the Capital Wasteland, and, even then, you can still fall short of your target by the time the credits roll.
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Fallout 3
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A Novocastrian copywriter living in Toronto, David is known to scrawl sprawling odes to music, football, gaming, rasslin', raccoons and David Caruso.