Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Final Fantasy Characters Who Must Appear

8. Aerith

Final Fantasy XV Noctis

Considering that Kingdom Hearts 3 is supposed to be one of the darkest stories in the series, bringing Aerith's death to the Kingdom Hearts universe would be a fantastic move.

That doesn't necessarily mean that Aerith has to die in the Kingdom Hearts universe, but doing so would definitely be in line with these claims.

As it stands, Aerith hasn't really appeared much at all in the Kingdom Hearts universe anyway. Although she does make appearances in both the first and the second game, it's only a brief talking role and then that's it.

Perhaps the best thing to do with Aerith here is to help develop her a bit more in Kingdom Hearts 3 by giving her more screentime. That way, whether or not she ends up dying or surviving, it'll have a much bigger impact.

Currently, Aerith dying at the hands of Sepiroth or some other force wouldn't really have the same effect it did in Final Fantasy VII, so here's hoping that she gets more development.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.