Watch Dogs 2: 10 Massive Improvements Over The First Game

2. Actual Social Commentary

Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs achieved social commentary on par with your average Year 10 Media Studies essay, summarising with "Phones can be bad idk". Watch Dogs 2 bothers to unpack bigger ideas to do with race, class, and the value of big data over human lives.

A returning theme is Marcus's criminal record, and the fact that he is often seen as a lesser member of the community due to his race, despite the fact that he's smarter than about 95% of the population.

There are also big ideas in play about the roles of social media within an election (ring any bells?), how new-age corporations can hide malicious intent behind friendly branding, and the positive and negative effects of anarchy vs. techno-fascism.

It's genuinely surprising not just how many important themes Watch Dogs 2 deals with, but how many real life events it managed to refer to, before they even happened. A lot of people have pointed out the similarities between Watch Dogs 2 and GTA V, but I'd go as far as to say that the former does a better job of exploring complex themes, and doesn't just namecheck and heckle such things for comedic effect.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.