WWE 2K19: 15 Best TNA CAWs
The best of Impact's past and present...

It's a measure of the (ahem) impact TNA has had on the wrestling world that AJ Styles was chosen as WWE 2K19's cover star. Beyond the star man, one can find countless Impact Wrestling alumni, including originals like Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode and Eric Young, and WWE stars who spent significant time there such as Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Drew McIntyre and Drake Maverick.
Then, there are WCW legends like Sting, DDP, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Dusty Rhodes who all dipped a toe into TNA waters. It's incredible to look at 2K19's roster and realise that a fair chunk of the stars on it (upcoming DLC man Bobby Lashley would go in there too) once plied their trade in Impact.
This list doesn't feature any of those names then. There's no point, because they're all available on-disc or to unlock and play as in the game. Nah, this one focuses on current Impact characters and a few other blasts from the past that aren't yours from the off.
One of them is perhaps cheating slightly, but it sure beats waiting on DLC...