10 Horror Movie Trilogies That Have The WORST Endings
2. The Lost Boys

Joel Schumacher arguably did more for vampires with one film than Anne Rice did in 13 books, launching bloodsuckers out of the coffin and onto the beach with his eighties zeitgeist classic The Lost Boys. In the film, we are introduced to Kiefer Sutherland's trench-coated David, and his gang of partying, motorbiking, bridge-hanging creatures of the night, who feast on locals on the Californian coast, and face off against Corey Feldman and Jamison Newlander's nerdy vamp hunter Frog Brothers.
It took two decades for any kind of sequel to materialise, and it went straight to video. The Tribe takes place some years later, and follows a new brood of vampires, with one connection to the past - Edgar Frog (Feldman) returns to dish out some wisdom, shape some surfboards and stake some bloodsuckers. And the film was a hit amongst audiences (if not critics), with the DVD's success giving the green light to a third film.
Lost Boys: The Thirst once again crashed straight onto disc, but this time failed to make anything like the cash its predecessor had - and with good reason. Spoiling any good will the shaky sequel had stored up, The Thirst plants Edgar in a ridiculous plot that is way too big for him to handle. There's a DJ raising an army of rave vampires, Area 51 weaponry, a congress-level conspiracy and the off-screen dispatching of the first film's protagonist Sam Emerson.
Thou shalt not fall? Schumacher should have told the other guys.