10 Horror Movies Where The Monster Is Revealed Almost Immediately

8. The Wolfman (2010)

Feast 2005

Before Universal's plan to reboot and interconnect its monster movies in the (now-defunct) Dark Universe, Benicio del Toro loomed large as the iconic lycan in Joe Johnston's The Wolfman. While the movie may not have fared well with critics or cinemagoers - making, as it did, a clear loss at the box office - it did offer up some truly intense moments that reminded everyone just how much fun a good, old fashioned monster movie can be.

A significant part of this was its effort to get the monster onscreen straight out of the gate. Too often these films spend the first hour and change on scene setting and exposition, leaving audiences snoring in the aisles. The Wolfman, however, gives us a full-on werewolf attack just after the opening credits and right before the title card, ensuring we know precisely what's in store.

Unfortunately, the rest of the film doesn't quite live up to this promise, and by the time we get to the third-act wire-fighting battle between del Toro and Anthony Hopkins' respective wolves, the preceding tension and terror has been sullied.

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