10 Horror Movies Where The Monster Is Revealed Almost Immediately

4. The Blob (1958)

Feast 2005
Paramount Pictures

Irvin Yeaworth's scif-fi horror The Blob opens on Steve McQueen (yes, that Steve McQueen) and Aneta Corseaut spending some quality time at make-out point when a meteor from space hits. Inside is a gelatinous ooze that absorbs anything it touches and grows exponentially as a result, soon wreaking havoc on the town and threatening the national security of the gool ol' US of A.

Despite the sprightly, tongue-in-cheek, Burt Bacharach-penned theme song (below) that kicks off the film, the titular creature is no trifle (or jelly, for that matter) and Yeaworth makes sure it's with us from the word go.

Steve (McQueen's aptly named character) and Jane (Corseaut) race to the site of the meteor's landing in the first few minutes of the film, but not fast enough to prevent local old man Barney (Olin Howland) poking it with a stick and unleashing the monster inside. The meteor cracks, the Blob makes its move, and Barney's arm is quickly engulfed by the hungry gunge.

The Blob does indeed creep and leap and glide and slide across the floor, but mostly it just sticks to things.

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