10 Horror Movies With The Most Shocking Monster Reveals

6. The Final Spawn - The Deadly Spawn

Wendigo Antlers
21st Century Film Corporation

Famously made for a reported sum of just $25,000 in 1983, The Deadly Spawn has earned a cult following despite falling relatively flat upon its release.

A meteor brings a ravenous worm-like creature to Earth, which then takes refuge in a nearby basement. As well as not paying any rent, the alien then proceeds to unleash its equally hungry offspring on the town, prompting a gory battle between humans and their extra-terrestrial foes.

A group of ragtag teens end up killing the initial alien, while the rest of the town takes care of its offspring. With the alien threat fully contained, everyone sits down to have a well-earned cup of tea.

But wait... what's that ominous rumbling in the distance?

It turns out that the town missed one of the spawn, which bursts out of the ground to reveal it has grown to a truly gargantuan size. This is the very final scene in the movie, as audiences are left wondering how their comrades will deal with such a big monster.

A great twist that nobody saw coming, the ending of The Deadly Spawn also doubles as one of the very best movie monster reveals.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.