10 Horror Movies With The Most Shocking Monster Reveals

4. The Moon Spiders - Apollo 18

Wendigo Antlers
Dimension Films

In real life, the Apollo 18 moon mission was cancelled after the astronauts aboard Apollo 13 nearly lost their lives. This film from 2011 imagines what might have happened had the craft made the journey.

Giant spiders. That's what would have happened.

The astronauts on the fictional Apollo 18 trip are told they are delivering a secret cargo to the Moon. They think it's a weapon to stop the Russians, but it's actually for a much more dangerous adversary.

Whilst exploring the surface of Earth's satellite, the two astronauts discover a new species that can disguise themselves to look like moon rocks. When not in hiding, they take on the form of gigantic spiders, and they are not pleased about being disturbed.

The Moon Spiders (which would be a great name for a band) eventually catch up with the spacemen, forcing their way inside the helmet of one of them in a particularly unpleasant death scene. All of this plays out in a found footage style, placing the audience at the centre of the action.

Is this why humanity has never returned to the Moon? Well, no - the real answer is budget cuts - but it's fun to imagine.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.