10 More Dumb Decisions In Horror Movies That Got The Villain Killed

2. Balkan Burns Himself To Prove He's Immortal - The Ninth Gate

Anaconda Jon Voight Death

The Ninth Gate centres around book dealer, Dean Corso, who's tasked by occult scholar, Boris Balkan, to verify the authenticity of a demonic tome. When Dean notices people connected to him have a nasty habit of winding up dead, he realises his life and soul are in serious danger.

During the climax, Balkan reveals to Dean that he intends to use the book's passages to endow himself with demonic power. While Dean is subdued, Balkan performs a Satanic ritual that should render him immune to pain or injury. To showcase his newfound power, he plunges his hands in flame, revealing that he feels nothing.

When Dean taunts his employer to "Give us another," Balkan showers himself in gasoline, allowing the fire to cover his entire body. As is revealed later, one of the ritual's engravings was forged, causing Balkan's spell to only work temporarily. Balkan realises this too late, causing him to be incinerated by the fire, compelling Dean to put him out of his misery.

Obviously, Balkan could've avoided such an agonising death if he attempted to showcase his so-called invulnerability in a less dramatic manner.

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