10 More Horror Movie Openings NOBODY Saw Coming
6. Creep 2
The first Creep centres around a manipulative psychopath called Josef (Mark Duplass), who befriends strangers before ultimately killing them. After seeing how insane Josef is, viewers know he's not to be trusted the instant Creep 2 starts, no matter how charming and likeable he appears.
And yet, the sequel still manages to leave viewers reeling five minutes in. Josef, now calling himself Aaron, befriends a man called Dave (Karan Soni), intending him to be his latest victim.
Aaron sends Dave an anonymous DVD of him stalking his house, hoping to scare him. Though Dave laughs it off as a harmless practical joke, he becomes noticeably agitated when Aaron starts making subtle threats.
By the time Aaron whips out a hunting knife, David realises his days (or seconds) are numbered. Recognising Aaron as the person who's been stalking him, David leaps out of his chair to escape. In one swift motion, Aaron slits David's throat, spewing blood across the wall.
The instant Aaron drew his blade, it was obvious this meeting would end badly. Nevertheless, it's still shocking to see Aaron slaughter his so-called friend with such cold-blooded efficiency.