10 Most Underrated Horror Movie Performances
6. Matt Dillon - The House That Jack Built

The sheer provocative extremity of Lars von Trier's The House That Jack Built ended up distracting from the fact that Matt Dillon gave a frankly Oscar-worthy performance as twisted serial killer Jack.
While the film's unflinching, unsentimental brutality is understandably too much for many, Dillon hurls himself fearlessly into the part of a psychopath capable of committing the most heinous atrocities against human beings - adults and children alike.
Few actors would want to go to such a dark place, especially with von Trier's treatment being so unapologetically graphic, but Dillon manages to take a character who is completely devoid of empathy and make him feel real, rather than the soulless empty vessel he could potentially have become in lesser hands.
Given how played-out this type of role is in the horror genre, Matt Dillon impressively brings something fresh to it while still presenting Jack as a realistic character who could conceivably exist in the real world, terrifyingly.