10 Most Underrated Horror Movie Performances

4. Ryan Reynolds - The Voices

The Silence of the Lambs Buffalo Bill

Ryan Reynolds is of course best known for his blockbuster movie roles, namely Deadpool, yet every so often he'll fling himself into something totally left-field and unexpected. And in 2014, this was The Voices, a horror-comedy in which he portrays a schizophrenic man, Jerry Hickfang, who hallucinates his pets talking to him and, while off his medication, becomes a killer.

It isn't just that this is a totally wild swing of a role for Reynolds, but that he pulls multi-part duty here, also providing spirited voiceovers for four different talking animals throughout the movie.

For as perfect as Ryan Reynolds is playing Deadpool, The Voices offers up the most daring and provocative testament to his talents as an actor. Unfortunately, though, between the film's abrasive subject matter and how poorly it was distributed upon release, The Voices has largely fallen by the wayside.

To Reynolds' credit, he singled The Voices out as one of his favourite films he's made as recently as 2020, while aptly adding that it "never really got its day in court." 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.