10 Times Horror Movie Villains Chose Not To Be Evil

2. Slowik Lets Margot Go - The Menu

American Psycho
Searchlight Pictures

In this Will Ferrell-produced horror (yes, really), a gourmet-lover hires an escort called Margot to join him at a hyper-exclusive restaurant, led by visionary chef, Julian Slowik.

Shortly after arriving, Slowik reveals each guest was personally selected since they're responsible in one way or another for him losing his passion for cooking. After the final course is served, Slowik intends to have the guests and staff join him in a suicide pact.

Now, it's pretty obvious Slowik is insane - he tells one guest, who is an actor, he was chosen to die simply because Slowik didn't like one of his movies - and when Slowik orchestrates a fake police rescue to give the guests hope, there's no question he's out of his mind. Due to his unwavering contempt for the patrons, it seems unfeasible for anyone to convince Slowik to let them walk out alive.

However, Margot figures out how to appease the crazed cuisiner. 

Earlier, Margot spotted a photo of Slowik as a young and optimistic cook, working at a greasy spoon diner. When she orders a hamburger and fries, Slowik feels the same passion he had when he got into the food business, and allows her to leave.

Not only was Margot the sole survivor of Slowik's last supper, she got a free burger for her troubles. Bon appetite!


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