10 Absolute Worst Ways To Die According To Science

6. Electric Chair


In the face of a shortage of lethal injection drugs, the US are thinking of bringing back the old electric chair. This, however, is a terrible way to go.

Even if all goes well, there is no getting around the fact that the inmate is essentially cooked to death.

As the current zaps through the body, the heart stops, the blood boils and the nervous system jams, causing asphyxiation. Bodies will swell up and boiling hot blood will pour out of every orifice - sometimes the eyeballs pop out and flames burst from under the skin. The body temperature is so hot that the flesh cooks and can fall away.

That's if you're lucky.

If you're unlucky, then the voltage might not quite be high enough to kill you, at least not quickly enough. There have been instances where the process has taken up to ten minutes, slow cooking the inmate as opposed to the preferable flash fry. As the current renders them unable to control movement or speech, they will have to just silently cook, still conscious.

With the lethal drugs running out, some states are seriously considering bringing back Old Sparky so as not to fall behind on the whole "killing people" thing. If they must, then they might actually be better off going back to the guillotine.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.