10 Amazing Life Hacks That Are Actually Backed By Science

5. Reset Your Body Clock With Food

bugs bunny can't sleep insomnia
Warner Bros.

Okay, it's all very well telling you to get some sleep to ace that test, but what if you can't. Get. To. Sleep?

There's nothing more frustrating than lying awake in the wee hours, particularly if you have a bedfellow that has managed to fall asleep in seconds like they're a god damn Sim. If no amount of lavender oil and hot milk have helped so far, then an often recommended remedy is to reset your body clock with your meals.

Your circadian rhythm - the internal clock that regulates the body's natural cycles - is not only dictated by day and night, but also the availability of food.

When you eat late at night and/or skip breakfast, you're telling your body that food is more available after dark, so it tries to turn you into a nocturnal hunter by keeping you awake. By fasting and then eating at "normal" times, you trip the reset button as your body catches up with the new regime.

This is not only handy for night shift workers and the sleep deprived, but also for people travelling to different time zones. If you want to skip the jet lag, the advice is to fast for 16 hours, then eat your meals at the appropriate time for your destination.

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