10 Amazing Things That Your Body Does Every Single Day

1. Regenerates

Amazing human body

You don't need to be a Timelord to regenerate.

The human body has the incredible ability to replace every part of itself in a constant cycle of regeneration. You get a new skin every month or so, meaning you have nearly 1000 new skins in your lifetime. You liver is completely replaced every six weeks or so, but it also has the incredible ability to regrow itself even if 75% of it is destroyed. 

Your skeleton is replaced every three months, your brain every two months and the lining of your stomach in contact with the acid is replaced every five minutes.

All this adds up to the entire body being replaced every seven years or so, meaning the average person could have 11 new bodies in their lifetime.

Obviously, it doesn't happen overnight. You don't go to sleep at the end of the sixth week of your liver cycle and wake up with a completely new one, the body is constantly replacing cells in a continuous cycle of renewal. 

One of the only parts that doesn't replace itself is your teeth, they stick with you for your whole life (hopefully).

So, just like that old "Ship of Theseus" thought experiment - if every part of an object is replaced over time, is it still the same object? That applies to your body as well.

Perhaps the real you is just a pair of teeth, a big old constant grin in an ever changing body.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.