10 'Astounding' Science Facts That Aren't Very Astounding If You're A Pedant

2. A Cumulonimbus Cloud Can Weigh Over 2 Billion Pounds

Remember the amazement when you were six, and you learned that the thin tall cup held less liquid than the fat, short cup? That's what people who are amazed by this fact are like. Clouds are massive. Have you ever tried outrunning one? You can't. Because they're huge. Like, around 2 billion pounds huge. If you've been anywhere the British news recently, you may have noticed that large sections of the country flooded. AMAZING FACT ALERT: this water actually came from clouds! Ask someone from York if they find this figure surprising. Dares you. Ask them while the water is lapping up to their navel. Then, fly to the Indian subcontinent during monsoon season. Travel across the country at night. Travel when your way is lit only by the near constant flashes of lightning. Ask everyone you meet if they knew that the clouds currently raging above them are actually really heavy. Make sure you shout so they can hear you over the tumult. Wait for a particularly bright flash to make sure their face is adequately amazed.
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Nervously over-uses hyphens. Thinks semi-colons are artificial smarteners. Big fan of the full-stop.