10 Beautiful But Shockingly Brutal Female Killers

8. Amanda Knox

This sorry story began in September 2007, when Amanda Knox was on an academic exchange in Perugia, Italy. Two months later, in November 2007 English student Meredith Kercher was found brutally murdered in the house Knox and Kercher shared. Knox and her Italian lover were prime suspects in the case, and were both eventually arrested for Meredith's murder. Knox was held in an Italian prison, and the international media followed her story attentively. The beautiful brunette was dubbed 'Foxy Knoxy'. The twists and turns in Knox's case have been innumerable, but the latest installment in her story sees Knox found guilty of murder. This verdict was passed in January 2014, during a re-trial at which Amanda was not present - she had returned to the U.S. having been acquitted in a 2011 ruling. As of 2014, she and her boyfriend were found guilty and Amanda was sentenced to over 28 years in prison. Italy are currently demanding her extradition from America.
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Sarah loves gaming but isn't a great gamer, is practically a professional horror movie buff, and will probably beat you in a grammar nerd-off.