10 Best Epic Rap Battles Of (Actual) History

5. Steven Spielberg vs. Alfred Hitchcock (To Start With)

Paying homage to some of cinema's greatest directors (or at least most profitable directors), all of the verses in this battle are littered and with smoothly interwoven film references and jibes at each other's work. Several times in ERB history the battles have sprawled out beyond just two combatants, but not since the questionable Russia throwdown of Season 2 had they gone to having five competitors in the battle.

We begin with Steven Spielberg quickly rattling off names of movies from both his own library and then Hitchcock's (interchanging between them) until he drops the name of his own production company, Amblin. Hitchcock retorts, relying on his grandiose presence as the father of super-star directors. The battle is then joined by Quentin Tarantino to add in more movie-title references and a few harsh words for both competitors.

Stanley Kubrick sails in over a mish-mash of The Shining and 2001 visual images and to cap it all off, the director that each of them have been casually insulting throughout the battle arrives via helicopter rope-ladder. And he rhymes 'money' with 'money'.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'