10 Best Harry Potter Chapters

4. Diagon Alley

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Warner Bros

Book: The Philosopher’s Stone

Chapter Synopsis: Harry experiences the magical world for the first time as he purchases his school supplies.

In contrast to the later entries in the series, the first novel was aimed at children. However, this did not stop Rowling cramming The Philosopher’s Stone with detail.

Harry’s first venture into Diagon Alley offered readers a rich taste of the world she had created. Harry was treated to a number of intriguing magical stores, such as Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions, Flourish and Blotts, the Apothecary, and Ollivanders.

However, it was Gringotts that proved to be the most interesting. Under the watchful eye of the goblins, this wizarding bank stored the valuables of witches and wizards in deep underground vaults accessible via karts.

Though Harry’s first time inside Hogwarts was also a highlight of The Philosopher's Stone, his time in Diagon Alley had a greater impact as it was his first real experience of the magical world.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.