10 Biggest Stephen King Heroes
Stephen King hasn't just given the world incredible bad guys...
Since his breakthrough novel Carrie was published in 1974, Stephen King has become known as the King of Horror. And rightfully so. King is able to delve into the very depths of human depravity and fear which has enabled him to produce some of the singular most terrifying stories ever written. He does so by tweaking his readers psyche with antagonists and paranormal situations that defy explanation and exploit their greatest fears. However, its more than just scary monsters and creepy hotels that ratchet up the fear level for his constant companions. King makes these stories all the more relatable, by unleashing these literary horrors on people who are the embodiment of John and Jane Q. Public normal people who could live next door to or even be the reader themselves. In doing so, King has not only provided his fan base with incredible villainous horrors such as Kurt Barlow, Pennywise the Clown and of course Randall Flagg, he has enriched the reading experience by countering them with very normal people from every walk of life imaginable, thus helping the reader to identify easily with the horrors within. While it is always easy to come up with a comprehensive list of the whos who of Stephen King Bad Guys (and gals) its not quite as simple to recognize the top good guys and heroes from his works. Doesn't stop this article from trying...