10 Biggest Unexplained Mysteries Of The Universe

2. FRB 121102

FRB 181112
wikipedia - https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1915a/

For a reason that scientists are yet to understand, some objects in the universe emit a sudden pulse of radio waves, which supposedly releases as much energy in one millisecond that the sun puts out in 3 days, and that is quite a lot.

Fast radio bursts or FRBs have been detected a number of times in the last 15 years or so. Though we're able to pin-point their point of origin, we have absolutely no idea if they are being caused by fast-spinning black holes, stars going supernova or if they're the result of alien intelligence.

It would be quite easy to discredit the claims that these impulses are alien broadcasts given that they are normally quite random, but three of these bursts have actually repeated a number of times, including the title character of this story, FRB 121102.

Astronomers have been able to accurately state which galaxy FRB 121102 is coming from, but have no hard explanation as to why it's occurring at all, let alone on repeat like its E.T.s dial tone.

Maybe these pulses are targeted at us, as though something is reaching out into the void for hope of contact...

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Somewhere between Thor and Carl Sagan.