This one is fairly harmless, yet still puzzling. Yaeba translates to "multi-layered" or "double" tooth - a phenomenon more commonly known as Snaggletooth in the western hemisphere. This occurs naturally as a non-serious dental deformity, when molars push the canine tooth forward. On our side of the globe, this is generally a source of embarrassment for young ladies, who ascribe to the ideal that a perfectly straight set of teeth is the most attractive option. As usual, Japan has a very different outlook on the matter. Following the example of several successful music stars with crooked teeth, countless Japanese girls have transformed their perfectly straight mouths into Snaggletooth havens. This procedure involves having temporary or permanent artificial "teeth" glued on to the victim's... sorry, patient's existing canines. Price estimates range from £130 to £340 per tooth. This may seem like a very strange choice to many Westerners (especially those who have been picked on for having the deformity), however it does not seem to be causing any issues in Japan. Most Japanese men seem to like the trend, stating that it lends an impish attractiveness to females. Fair enough Japan, if only you could reach a sensible balance - more Yaeba and less Kancho-ing.
Interests include: Writing, bourbon, cigarettes, music, video games, Honey Badgers.
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