10 Bizarre Place Names You Won't Believe Are Real

1. Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada

The biggest rumour surrounding this name is probably an obvious one: that it is so called because this was the original location of manufacture of phallic adult toys. Ultimately, it isn't known how this picturesque Canadian fishing town got its delightful name - but the obvious connotation seems decidedly unlikely. It is far more probable that the name has its roots in the nautical. Some have theorised Dildo was named after a Spanish sailor who settled there in the eighteenth century, whilst others believe a certain ship part (a long, phallic cylinder) that also holds the name is the culprit. It could also be a nod to ditties sung by sailors on their way to Newfoundland many years ago - the word 'dildo' was, once upon a time, a slang word for the chorus of a song. Today, the name causes controversy, intrigue and sniggers worldwide. Campaigns have been fought to change Dildo to something slightly less provocative; all so far have been lost, with devoted locals staunchly declaring they are proud of their name and wouldn't dream of changing it for fear of demeaning the town's history. Many are also in favour of the tourism it creates, particularly when it comes to the town's annual celebrations, for which the souvenir t-shirts proclaiming 'I Survived Dildo Day' have gained notoriety all of their own. Umm... What other unbelievable place names should have made this list? Share yours below!
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Stephanie is a writer and free spirit who likes to pretend she's a Londoner, though strictly speaking she's from Watford. She likes books, music, elephants, and hairspray.