10 Bizarre Realities Of Being Blind, Explained By A (Super Chill) Blind Guy

9. Are There Any Magic Tricks For Blind People?

Bet this one never occurred to you before.

Whether you love or hate magic tricks (which usually depends on whether you love or hate joy), you have to admit that they're a largely visual phenomenon. As a sighted population, we tend to put a lot of emphasis on our vision to verify reality - it's the "see it to believe it" effect - and this is why it's so mind-blowing when a magician is able to trick a sense that we think is infallible.

However, the whole "Now you see it, now you don't," aspect of the artform tends to lose its appeal if you never saw it in the first place.

But, because the internet is awesome, after he put his original video out, Tommy was able to meet up with a blind magician named Chad Allen, who performs some magic tricks specifically for the blind.

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