10 Books That Anyone Who Cares About Science Needs to Read

4. The Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan

€œFor me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.€ - Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. Science is not only something that€™s merely €œinteresting€, science and scepticism is a way of thinking. The Demon Haunted World portrays the perilous and particularly evil world of pseudoscience, superstition and finally warns against a world without fact or education. Sagan argues that not only is the pseudoscience of alternative medicine, faith healing and other erroneous beliefs completely incorrect, they€™re also exceedingly harmful. He uses examples of how people in positions of power have enticed the vulnerable for their own personal gain, whether it be through religion or any other ideology that have empty promises to perhaps heal a loved one or to bring eternal happiness. My own personal favourite on this list, The Demon Haunted World definitely changes ones outlook on the world around them by showing us all that in our universe the truth is far stranger than fiction. It is certainly one of the most selfless, genuine and life changing books a person can ever read, with a bona fide message of what is the most important asset to society: the knowledge of what is factual and what is false.

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